Embird Embroidery Software
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Main Toolbox

Vertical toolbox panel

Vertical toolbox panel.

All Modes

Control on the top of this panel is common to all working modes. It displays actual zoom factor of the Work Area . This control can be clicked on, which sets zoom to real size (1:1).

Zoom Indicator

Zoom factor. This button has double functionality: 1. the current zoom ratio is displayed on its surface. 2. clicking this button sets the zoom ratio to 1:1, which means that design in the Work Area is rendered in a real size, equal to actual sew-out of the design.
Zoom factor button looks like this in case of exact 1:1 scale.

Mode #1 - Select and Transform

The tools in the top section of the panel serve to select and manipulate the finished objects and to zoom the work area in and out.

Next section contains tools for creation of new objects. A special category is a Measurement Tool.

Selection Tools

Select/Pointer Tool
Select/Pointer Tool
Edit Edges Tool
Edit Edges Tool
Zoom Tool
Zoom Tool
Lasso Selection Tool
Lasso Selection Tool

Panning is done with secondary mouse button depressed and cursor move over the work area. In contrast to previous version of Studio, there is no special pan tool.

Creative Tools

Create Fill Object Tool
Create Fill Object Tool
Create Sfumato Object Tool
Create Sfumato Object Tool. Sfumato is an optional part of the Studio
Create Mesh Object Tool
Create Mesh Object Tool
Create Hole Tool
Create Opening (hole) Tool. Opening can be created after Fill, Sfumato or Mesh object.
Create Carving Tool
Create Carving Tool. Carvings  can be created after Fill, Sfumato, Mesh and Column object.
Create Column Object Tool
Create Column Object Tool
Create Column with Pattern Tool
Create Column with Pattern Tool
Create Outline Object Tool
Create Outline Object Tool
Create Manual Stitches Tool
Create Manual Stitches Tool
Create Applique Object Tool
Create Applique Object Tool
Create Applique Hole Tool
Create Applique Hole Tool
Create Connection Object Tool
Create Connection Object Tool
Measurement Tool
Trace Tool
Freehand Tool

Use zoom tool to zoom in (left mouse button click) or zoom out (right mouse button click). If you want to zoom in a specific area, depress the left mouse button and drag mouse to make selection. Then release the mouse button and selected area will be enlarged so that it fits on the screen.

Zoom to object in the Work Area

Create Opening can be used only after Create Fill or Sfumato object or previous Opening object. It does not appear in Object Inspector window as a separate object and cannot be selected directly on the Work Area. To select the Opening object for transformation, use the Part Inspector window. The same thing applies for Applique Opening object.

To add Opening to Fill or Sfumato, the Fill or Sfumato must be either selected or it must be the last object in the Object Inspector list.

Create Carving has effect only if used after the Fill, Sfumato, Column, Column with Pattern or Opening object.

The Fill, Sfumato, Opening, Carving, Outline, Connection and Manual Stitches objects have just one side (edge). Fill, Sfumato and Opening edge must form a closed loop, which means that their last point must be placed on top of their first point.

The Column Object, Column with Pattern and Applique Object always have two sides (edges). If Finish Object or editing functions are not available (grayed out) more than likely the second side of object has not been drawn.

When Applique Opening object is used after main Applique object, program generates stitches this way: 1. marking stitches of both main object and hole, 2. tack-down stitches of both main object and hole, 3. cover stitches of both main object and the hole. If there would be another Applique object instead of Applique Opening object, program would generate all three layers for first object and then all three layers for second object. The opening would be covered by fabric.

Measurement Tool

Measurement Tool measures distances and angles in design. It allows to create one or two measuring lines. If there are two lines, tool measures also the angle between the two lines. Measured values are displayed on main control panel.

Measurement of distance and angle

Mode #2 - Node-by-node Creation/Editing

Line or Curve Elements
Choose lines or curves to use for new edge elements.
Option: middle node first
Choose how curves are digitized: Approach no. 1: first click makes middle node, second click makes end node. Approach no. 2: first click makes end node, the middle node is created automatically and then can be moved to desired place
Snap node to edge of work area
If checked, node is snapped to edge of work area if they are close enough
Snap node to nearest node
If checked, node is snapped to nearest node if it is close enough
Snap node to guide line
If checked, node is snapped to guide line if it is close enough
Snap node to grid
If checked, node is snapped to grid if it is close enough
Snap node to object edge
If checked, node is snapped to object edge if it is close enough
Horizontal curvature of rounded rectangle
Horizontal curvature (in %) of rounded rectangle corner. This setting is for rounded rectangle shape
Vertical curvature of rounded rectangle
Vertical curvature (in %) of rounded rectangle corner. This setting is for rounded rectangle shape

Mode #3 - Lettering

Lettering - predefined baselines
Combo box with predefined baselines
Switch to overall editing of lettering
Switch to overall editing of lettering
Switch to editing of individual characters
Switch to editing of individual characters
Switch to editing of baseline nodes
Switch to editing of baseline nodes

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