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Vector Objects

Digitizing in Embird Studio means drawing of objects, which are filled with stitches according to parameters set individually for each object. This approach was chosen because embroidery design usually contains areas of the same type of stitches - plain fill (2) , satin stitches (3) , outline (1) , etc. Such areas can be digitized as a separate objects of respective type and color. Program fills them with appropriate stitch type and user does not need to care about each individual stitch.

Stitches order within object is controlled by program, with a single exception: object's beginning and end point, which are defined by user. Stitching starts at beginning point and stops at the end point of the object. Definition of these points is important for correct connection to previous and next object.

Embroidery design - Smiley Objects listed in Object Inspector list

Objects are listed in Object Inspector list. They are listed in the actual sewing order from top to bottom.

Objects have vector (curve or straight line) edges, which means that they can be resized without loss of quality. Edges are defined by points called nodes. Straight line edge has two nodes - start and end node. Curves in Studio have three nodes - start, middle and end point. Node in the middle of curve defines arch of the curve.

Line and Curve Vector Elements

Straight line (left) is defined by 2 points. Curve (right) is defined by 3 points.

Object usually contains several line and/or curve elements.

Studio uses these types of objects:

Each type has specific stitches layout (described below) and adjustable parameters like density, angle, etc. (see Parameters chapter).

Object Types

Fill Object

The edge of a fill object is composed of lines and curves. Small rectangles are end points of lines and curves. Small circles are middle points of curves. The cross at the top is beginning of the edge. Diagonal lines at the bottom indicates the place of last fill stitch and angles of cover stitches (longest line) and zig-zag underlays (short and medium length line). Small star inside the object is the 'Focus point' for effects like Circular fill. Focus point can be placed or moved in the node editing mode with use of command from pop-up menu.

Fill Object - Vector Outlines

Studio automatically generates edge underlay and two zig-zag underlays as well as overlays and connections. Fill object can contain openings. User can adjust various parameters of Fill object, including stitch density at beginning and end of object and effects like the wave, contour or circular fill. Fill objects may be filled also with automatic column (satin) stitches. Fill object may be followed with Carving object.

Stitches with Carving Effect

Fill object with opening (left) and carving lines (right). Single fill object can have multiple openings and/or carvings

Plain Fill vs Autocolumn

Plain fill (left) and automatic column fill (right)

Stitches with Density Gradient

Left: Plain fill with density gradient. Right: Fill with wave and gradient

Stitches with Density Gradient

Left: Fill with circular stitches and gradient. Right: Contour fill with gradient.

Direction of stitches in automatic column fill can be controlled to some degree with direction lines. Click here to find out more.

Most common error message: "Compilation Failed. The sequence is probably not correct. Adjust sequence outlines."


  1. Do not use too many nodes. The curves allow you to create smooth edges even with small number of nodes.
  2. Make sure that all edge element are correctly drawn and that middle points of curves are placed correctly. No edge element should cross other elements.

Sfumato Object

Sfumato objects are used for creation of photo-like embroidery designs. Sfumato object is drawn exactly like the Fill object, but the stitches inside of object are generated in other way. Thread creates meanders of various size to approximate the picture/photo under object.

Sfumato Stitch Object Made from Photo

Sfumato is an optional part of the Studio. It is included in the installation file of the Studio (no separate download needed), but it must be purchased and registered separately.

Column Object

Satin stitch object is called column in the Studio. Column is composed of two edges. Each edge can have different number of parts (lines and curves). Dashed line indicated the End of Segment inserted by user. Segments ends define direction of stitches. Beginning and end of Column are automatically Segment Ends. Program generates small gap at beginning and end of Column to prevent stitches bulging.

Column Object - Vector Edges Column Object - Stitches Column Object - 3D Preview of Stitches

Too long cover stitches are replaced by jump stitches ended with short running stitch. Program generates center walk, edge and zig-zag underlays and it also automatically shorts stitches in curved parts. Too sharp corners of Column object are automatically replaced by roof, folded or split corner.

Column Object - Sharp Corners

Column object may be followed with Carving object.

Most common error message: "Unable to compile so twisted object. Please insert some segment end into object or adjust edges.


  1. Do not use too many nodes. The curves allow you to create smooth edges even with small number of nodes.
  2. Make sure that two sides of column do not cross each other.
  3. Use Segment Ends inside of column now and then to define direction of stitches. When making circle or rectangle border with column object, there should be about 4 or more segments inside of column.

Column with Pattern Object

Column with Pattern is the same object as Column, but user can define also the pattern, according to which stitches are split. User can define also her/his own patterns.

Column with Pattern - Vector Edges Column with Pattern - Stitches Column with Pattern - 3D Preview of Stitches

Both Column and Column with Pattern can be used with Envelope.

Column with Envelope Effect

Column with Pattern object may be followed with Carving object.

Connection Object

Objects that do not touch each other are automatically connected by jump stitches, when compiling the finished design. If you do not want jump stitch between objects, use Connection Object to make running stitches path between objects.

Connection Object Connection Object - 3D Preview

Manual Stitches Object

Manual Stitches are composed of series of lines. Use them to produce fine details.

Manual Stitches Manual Stitches - 3D Preview Manual Stitches - Dog Fur

Outline Object

Outline is composed of one edge that may or may not be closed. User can use various stitch samples for the outline. Typically, this object is used for running stitch outlines added on top of fill or column. Outline may be turned to sketch, satin stitches, border or to applique and vice versa.

Outline Object - Vector Path Outline Object - 3D Preview Outline Object - Various Samples

Various samples projected on outline object

Outline tool - Overlock stitching for patches

Outline with Overlock mode can be used to create a patch edge, even with corners

Outline tool - Overlock stitching for patches

Another example of outline with Overlock mode

Applique Object

Applique object is similar to Column object, but it must be closed. It serves for stitching down the piece of fabric instead of filling the area with stitches. Applique Object automatically generates marking, tack-down and cover stitches. Tack-down stitches have separate color in order to stop machine and allow user to cut off the fabric.

Applique Object - Vector Path

Applique can also have openings. Marking stitches, tack-down and cover stitches of main applique and its openings are automatically arranged so that they sew all at once: all marking stitches first, all tack-down stitches next, and all cover stitches at end.

Applique Object with Hole Applique Object - Layers

Mesh Object

Mesh object is similar to Fill object, but it is stitched very loose to let the fabric show through. Mesh is suitable for stippling and other low density ornamental fills.

Mesh object is drawn in the same way as the Fill object, including optional holes and carvings.

Mesh stitches form a continuous embelished path made of blackwork tiles, crosses, font glyphs, celtic knots, fractals, etc.. The fill can be further modified with transformation (rotation, offset, slanting and perspective projection) and effect (fish eye, black hole, ripple, swirl, etc.).

Mesh Object - Vector Path

Small star inside the object is the 'Focus point' for effects like Fish Eye or Swirl. Focus point can be placed or moved in the node editing mode with use of command from pop-up menu.

Mesh Object Mesh Object

Examples of various mesh fills


Carvings are paths that can be drawn immediately after some objects (just like holes). Their meaning differs according to type of their parent object:

  1. they serve as a stitch splitting path for Fill and Column objects, adding them texture
  2. additional stitch path for Sfumato objects
  3. additional stitch path or base from which fill grows for Mesh objects

The Carving Tool is located in the Tool Box panel.

Carving Object

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