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Parameters - Fill

These parameters apply only to Fill objects.

Fill Object - Vector edges and nodes

Fill object has one outer edge. Point (A) is a starting node of the edge. (B) is end of fill with underlay direction lines. Symbol in the middle indicates focus point (C) for special effects, if applicable. (D) is arrow that indicates direction of the currently selected element of the edge. Holes in fill object are created separatelly with use of Opening tool .

The Fill object can be filled with stitches in one of these ways:

Fill Options

Left: plain fill mode. Right: auto column mode

Left: plain fill mode. Right: auto column mode

Motif fill mode

Motif fill mode

Pull Compensation is extension of each stitch on edge of object in order to compensate for thread pull (on elastic fabric) or sinkage (on fleece). The thread pull causes the ends of stitches are pulled inwards and object is smaller (narrower) than intended.

Icon of Pull Compensation control

Icon of Pull Compensation control

1. Plain Fill Parameters

Main Settings Tab

Pattern defines the texture of cover stitches of the fill. User can define up to five own patterns in main menu > Gadgets > Fragment Editors > User's Patterns Tab . Pattern effect is created with layout of needle points within rows of stitches. Therefore, length of stitches in fill is given by needle points distance in pattern.

Texture of cover stitches of the fill

Texture of cover stitches of the fill

Fill object - Pattern effect created with needle points within rows of stitches

Pattern effect created with needle points within rows of stitches

Additional lines and curves in patterned fill can be achieved with use of Carvings objects, which must follow immediately after Fill object and its openings.

Fill object - Additional texture made with Carvings

Additional texture made with Carvings

Spacing is distance between rows of stitches or motifs. Larger spacing means lower stitch density. Spacing 4.0 indicates that this distance will be 0.2 mm. Default value of spacing is derived from the Default Thread Weight in Preferences.

Angle of stitches. This control and number of others too allow increment and decrement the value and also to access a panel with edit box and track bar. More detail is available in Parameters chapter.

Fill object - Stitches angle control

Stitches angle control

Underlay Tab

Plain Fill Underlays . Edge and both Zig-Zag underlays can be usually turned on on all Plain Fill objects because Studio ignores these underlays on small objects. Turn them off if the fabric is firm and does not need the stabilization.

Edge Walk Underlay helps to make crisp edges of fill. Click here to find out more about Edge and Zig-Zag underlay offset .

Zig-Zag Underlays parameters define the angles and spacing of these underlays. Zig-Zag underlays stabilize the fabric with a grid of loose stitches before sewing the higher density cover stitches. The angles of underlays can be set here as well as in the editing mode (press I or O key while moving the mouse in editing mode). To change the angle click on circular angle indicator or press mouse button on the angle value.

Fill object - underlay stitches

A : shape of object.B : edge underlay.C : zig-zag underlay.

Underlay-Advanced Tab

Controls in this tab allow to override global (overall) underlay settings which are normally applied to each object when generating stitches. See Object's Individual Underlay Parameters chapter for more information.

Cover Layer Tab

Make Cover Stitches allows user to switch off cover stitches. Uncheck the box when one large underlay under the whole design is needed to provide stabilization. Edge, Zig-Zag 1 and Zig-Zag 2 allows user to switch off automatic underlays by checking the boxes. Click on the circular angle indicator at right side to set the cover stitches angle. When the Make Cover Stitches option is un-checked, a small green arrow icon appears next to the check box. This icon warns user that some settings (like spacing) are not applicable when there are no cover stitches.

Scale parameter determines the size of the pattern and consequently the length of fill stitches.

Random Shift randomizes pattern to allow user to create fur-like effects, for example.

Use jumps (if loose density) . If checked, connections between blocks of stitches are replaced with jumps (trims). Objects can be seldom sewn in a single draw. Therefore, object is usually divided into several blocks and they are connected either with connection stitches or jumps (mostly used on objects with gradient).

Sides Tab

Complete row if spacing above defines the spacing under which the last point on each row of stitches is omitted (see the left picture). If the last point is not omitted, the result would be stitches that may be too small on the edge of fill. The pointed ends of rows are not visible on actual embroidery if default spacing is used. If distance between rows is higher than this threshold, last point on row is not omitted.

Fill object - rows of stitches

Left : last point on each row of stitches is omitted. Right : complete rows

Max. Random Broadening defines maximum random prolongation of fill stitches to side. Random Broadening adds 'ragged edges' effect to objects.

Gradient Tab

Gradient affects the distance between rows of stitches or motifs within object. Distance of rows will gradate from spacing value to spacing plus gradient value. Gradient Type combo box allows to choose from various gradation schemes.

Fill object - stitches gradient

Spacing (density) gradient

Effect Tab

Effect . Plain Fill may be combined with additional effects like Wave, Contour fill, Radial fill, Square fill and Rounded fill. Parameters of Wave can be adjusted by clicking on the wave control or by pressing mouse button on parameters values. Wave parameters define the curve of fill rows. Radial, Square and Rounded fill effects create stitches in a spiral starting from the 'Focus Point' of the object. User can adjust the Focus Point position in the Editing Mode.

Fill object - effects Fill object - effects

2. Auto Column Parameters

Main Settings Tab

Pattern property is the same as with plain fill.

Use Pattern . If checked, the Auto Column uses pattern set in Plain Fill pattern combo box. Otherwise the column stitches are without pattern.

Spacing has the same meaning as with plain fill.

Underlay Tab

Auto Select Column Underlay . If checked, the type of underlay for Auto Column objects is selected automatically.

Center . If Center is checked then columns will have underlay running along their center. Use this type of underlay for small or thin objects.

Edge underlay runs along edge of the object. It should be used for medium size and large objects.

Zig-Zag underlay should be used in combination with edge underlay for large or thick objects

Spacing of zig-zag underlay is usually much larger than spacing of cover stitches.

Underlay-Advanced Tab

Controls in this tab allow to override global (overall) underlay settings which are normally applied to each object when generating stitches. See Object's Individual Underlay Parameters chapter for more information.

Sides Tab

Pull Compensation property is explained at the beginning of this chapter.

Direction of stitches in auto column fill can be controlled to some degree with direction lines. Click here to find out more.

3. Motif Parameters

Main Settings Tab

Motif is a simple stitch design that can be used to fill object instead of dense parallel stitches. User can define up to 5 own motifs in main menu > Gadgets > Fragment Editors > User's Samples Tab .

Fill object - motif - animation

Animation of motif

Spacing of motif rows is usually few millimeters.

Angle defines direction of motif rows.

Grid Tab

It is possible to use multiple motifs in a single object. Controls in this tab allow to define grid of motifs with up to 3 rows and up to 3 columns.

Rows, Columns define size of grid with motifs.

Overall Shift X, Overall Shift Y allow to move motif fill in both X and Y axes.

More detail is available in Fill with Multiple Motifs chapter.

Cover Layer Tab

Use jump stitches defines whether the jump (trim) or connection is inserted between distant rows of motifs or stitches.

Row Shift defines distance of how rows of motifs are scrolled one from the other.

Motif Width allows to make motif wider or narrower. The height of motif remains intact.

Motif Scale enlarges or shrinks motif in both axes simultaneously. Consequently, it determines also the length of fill stitches.

Icon of Motif Scale parameter

Gradient Tab

Gradient has the same meaning as with plain fill.

Effect Tab

Motif Fill can be combined only with the Wave effect.

Fill object - motif - wave effect

Wave effect on motif fill

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