Embird Embroidery Software
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Parameters - Whole Design

These parameters are organized into several tabs:

Main Settings of Design Tab

Name . This parameter is used for user defined Border Samples .

Reference Width, Reference Height . These parameters are used for user defined Border Samples.

Overlong Stitch Mode . Most embroidery machines impose a limit to maximum length of stitch. This limit is approximatelly 1/2 of inch (12.7 mm). When this limit is exceeded, Studio either puts needle points in between, i.e. splits long stitch into several shorter stitches, or replaces long stitch with series of jump (floating) stitches. Each option has its drawback - additional needle points create a kind of texture, floating stitches are prone to loose. This control allows to choose which option you prefer.

Combine Arranged Outline Parts - if turned on, outline elements are combined into larger segments when Arrange Outline Parts function is used, to optimize stitches layout. If turned off, outline elements are preserved for easier editing.

Thread Related Adjustment Tab

Fills Start/End Gap : This gap prevents the thread bulging at ends of fill. It is especially important if there is a thin running stitch outline around the fill object.

Start / end gap on Fill object

Columns Start/End Gap : This number defines the size of the small gap at beginning and end of column-like objects. The stitches seen on screen are just the axis of real stitches that are wider, in fact. This gap prevents the thread bulging at ends of columns, and columns with pattern.

Start / end gap on Column object

Minimum Stitch Length : This is a global parameter (unlike maximum length of stitches, which can be adjusted separately for each object).

Fabric Related Adjustment Tab

Additional Pull Compensation : This parameter allows user to adjust whole design at once for sewing on a different types of fabric. If the fabric is too elastic or if the design sinks into the fabric, use this parameter to add more pull compensation to the whole design at once.

Thread Pull Compensation

Additional Spacing : This parameter allows user to adjust whole design at once for sewing with a different types of thread. If the whole design seems to be too loose or too dense because of the threads used, adjust the density with this parameter.

Additional Spacing

Tie-Up Stitches Tab

Fill Tie-Up Stitches : These are small stitches that Studio automatically adds before and after jump stitches to anchor the thread on Fill and Sfumato objects.

Tie-up stitches

Outline Tie-Up Stitches : These are small stitches that Studio automatically adds before and after jump stitches to anchor the thread on Outline, Connection and Manual Stitch objects.

Column Tie-Up Stitches : These are small stitches that Studio automatically adds before and after jump stitches to anchor the thread on Column, Column with Pattern and Applique objects (The only exceptions are jump stitches inside a column that is wider than about 1.2 cm, which is about 0.5 inch).

Manual Stitch Tie-Up Stitches : These are small stitches that Studio automatically adds before and after jump stitches to anchor the thread on Manual Stitch objects.

Tie-Up Stitches Length : maximum length of all above types of the tie-up stitches.

Offset of Underlay Tab

This global offset setting affects distance of edge and zig-zag underlay of all objects in the design. There are two ways of how to use global underlay offset:

  1. Optimized and scaled offset (in %)
  2. Absolute offset (in inches or millimeters)

These options are available from the combo box on this tab.

When you select option #1, underlay offset of individual objects is automatically optimized according to size of respective object. Moreover, you can apply overall % scale to these offsets to adjust design for sewing on various fabrics. Use scale larger than 100% if you are sewing on elastic material or on the fleece.

Option #2 allows to set all underlay offsets to constant distance in inches or millimeters.

Controls described below use % or absolute units according to chosen offset mode.

Offset of Edge Underlay (A) : this global parameter affects distance of edge underlay of all objects in the design. There is a separate offset parameter available for fills, columns and appliques.

Offset of Zig-Zag Underlay (B) : this global parameter affects distance of zig-zag underlay of all objects in the design. There is a separate offset parameter available for fills, columns and appliques.

Offset of underlay

Fill Underlay Tab

Minimum and maximum length of edge and zig-zag underlay for Fill objects.

Column and Applique Underlay Tab

Minimum and maximum length of center (A), edge (B) and zig-zag (C) underlay for Column and Applique objects.

Underlays of Column object

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