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Transformations Window

The Transformations window is accessible via main menu > Transform > Transformations Window . It allows to do three types of operations on selected objects: 1. transformations, 2. alignment, 3. distribution. Buttons to switch between these three operation types are in the vertical tool box.

Tabs on Transformations Window

Transform Functions

Transform controls do the same operations that are available also in an interactive form in the work area or Object Inspector : movement, rotation, skewing, resizing and change of objects order.

Rotation uses center (reference) point that can be moved in the work area with mouse cursor.

Note: if Apply Rotation to Fill Stitches option in the main menu > Transform > Flip & Rotate is checked, stitches angle is adjusted when object is rotated.

Align Functions

Alignment works with two or more selected objects.

Three objects selected in the Work Area for transformation

Three objects selected in the Work Area.

Align selected objects to left side, center and right side of the whole selection

Three horizontal controls align selected objects to left side, center and right side of the whole selection.

Align selected objects to top, center and bottom of the whole selection

Three vertical controls align selected objects to top, center and bottom of the whole selection.

Vector objects aligned to upper edge

Objects from above example aligned to upper edge.

Distribute Functions

Distribution works with three or more selected objects.

Distribute objects in vertical direction so that tops, centers or bottom of objects are equally spaced within selection

Three vertical controls distribute objects in vertical direction so that tops, centers or bottom of objects are equally spaced within selection.

Distribute objects in horizontal direction so that left sides, centers or right sides of objects are equally spaced within selection

Three horizontal controls distribute objects in horizontal direction so that left sides, centers or right sides of objects are equally spaced within selection.

Distribute objects in vertical and horizontal directions so that there are equal spaces between objects

Remaining two controls distribute objects in vertical and horizontal directions so that there are equal spaces between objects.

Objects equally spaced with respect to their centers

Objects from above example equally spaced with respect to their centers.

Note: It is possible to combine multiple operations while Transformation window is open. For example, you can scale selected objects, align them according to upper edge and space them equally in the horizontal direction.

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