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Auto Outliner

The Auto Outliner commend allows to create double-layered outlines for single object or multiple objects (fig. 1.). Objects may overlap or intersect one another and program creates outlines only for the visible parts. It is useful for creation of outlines like shown on the right picture (fig. 2.).

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 1. Overlapping objects to be outlined.

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 2. Double layered outline.

Select objects you want to outline and click the Embird Studio - Auto Outliner button, or use main menu > Transform > Auto Outliner command. This will create a number of small outline elements like shown on below picture (fig. 3.). All outline elements have color of the first object (orange, in this case). Select new color from palette and draw it to selection to change color of the outline elements (fig. 4.).

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 3. Number of outline elements created by auto outliner.

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 4. Outline elements with new color.

Use Embird Studio - Auto Outliner button or main menu > Transform > Arrange Outline Parts command to order and combine elements into continuous double layered outline (fig. 5). Note that this function will connect all elements into single object by inserting connections where it is necessary (fig. 6.). If you want free standing objects like outlines of holes to be left unconnected, use main menu > Transform > Arrange Outline Parts (no Connections) command instead.

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 5. Complete outline created with 'Arrange Outline Parts' command.

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 6. Outline of hole connected to the main outline.

Embird Studio - Auto Outliner

Fig. 7. Hidden parts are not outlined.

On places where one object lays on top of the other, automatic outlines are created only for those parts that are on top of the others. Program automatically ignores hidden parts (fig. 7. , marked by red arrows)

Please note: auto outliner can fail to work properly on places where edge of one object runs (almost) on top of edge of other object, i.e. parts of their edges are almost identical. On such places, outliner may generate large amount of small outlines, because nearly identical edges intersect each other on many places. Common designs have either separate or overlapped areas and such situation does not occur. In most cases the problem occurs when vector graphics (EMF, WMF or CMX files) is used, because graphic files are created in a different way (no overlays, many identical edges).

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