Use this command if you want to write designs to Janome JEF CompactFlash Card. It is supposed, that you have the Janome ATA card inserted in the PCMCIA slot of your notebook, or card reader/writer hardware attached to your PC, and that this card works like another disk drive on your PC ( H:).
1 - Run Embird, it will start in "Manager" mode.
2 - In the "Files:" box at the right side of the screen select the design which you want to write to Janome JEF CompactFlash Card. To select a design, please move the mouse pointer to its file name and click the left mouse button (Picture No.1). You can select multiple files: Move mouse pointer to the file name of the first design in the "Files:" box at the right side of the screen, depress the left mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse pointer over the file names of the other designs. When the mouse pointer is over the last design, please release the left mouse button.
1. Select files to be written to CompactFlash Card
3 - Select "Right Panel > Input/Output Operations > Janome JEF CompactFlash Card" command from the main menu (Picture No.2).
2. Select "Right Panel > Input/Output Operations > Janome JEF CompactFlash Card" menu
4 - A dialog box will appear on the screen (Picture No. 3). Choose the "Drive:" which contains CompactFlash card. In this example it is "H:" drive. The upper box shows the folders and files of Janome JEF CompactFlash Card (empty card in this example).
5 - The bottom box shows the files which you are going to write to the card (Picture No. 3). Click "Write files to card" button to start writing of designs to the card.
3. Select drive, format and write files to card
6 - If you are writing to an empty card, Embird will ask you about the card format (Picture No. 4). Select your format and click "OK" button to continue.
4. Choose card format
7 - Another dialog box will appear on the screen, inquiring whether you want to save to card also the Embird color palette for each design (Picture No. 5). This color palette is stored in separate file with .EDR extension. Click "Yes" button if you want to save the color palette, because ".jef" file format offer only limited color palette and if you don't save the real palette along the design, it might happen that the next time you will display this design from the card it will have a little bit different colors.
5. Save also color palette?
8 - Embird will write the files to Janome JEF CompactFlash Card and it will display the result of this operation (Picture No. 6). In this example, the "ROSE2.JEF", "ROSE3.JEF", "ROSE4.JEF", "ROSE5.JEF" and "ROSE6.JEF" designs were written to the card. The corresponding files with .EDR extension contain the Embird color palette for these designs.
6. Result of write operation
9 - Janome JEF CompactFlash Card is now ready for use. You can eject it from the disk drive and use it with your embroidery machine.
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